The Folklife Portal:
Explore podcasts, comics, exhibits, and more focusing on farming and agriculture in Vermont.
El viaje más caro is an ethnographic cartooning and graphic medicine project that uses collaborative storytelling as a tool to mitigate loneliness, isolation, and despair among Latin American migrant farm workers on Vermont dairy farms. This May, the project released The Most Costly Journey, a 252 page collection of these comics for an English speaking audience.
As we’re all gearing up for what is likely to be one of the most, shall we say “unusual,” Thanksgivings of our lifetimes (thanks again, 2020), here at VT Untapped™ we reached out to the VFC founder Jane Beck once more in search of suggestions for a seasonal story. Not surprisingly, once again Jane came through! Listen in to hear Earle Fuller’s story of driving (by this we really mean herding) over 500 turkeys from Vermont to market in Boston. Happy Thanksgiving!
June is a month when we celebrate our fathers, so we would like to use this months VT Untapped episode to show you Vermont through the eyes of a unique father and daughter team: Perkins Flint and Katharine Flint DuClos.