Everyone is the expert of their own experience.
We believe
We support educators, community members, students, media makers, artists…YOU!
…in learning about the world by listening to and learning from the people and communities of Vermont.
Our collaborations with educators, students, artists, non-profit professionals, and others are rooted in Vermont Folklife’s approach to ethnographic inquiry: to understand experience from the perspective of the person to whom that experience belongs. Through techniques such as interviewing, fieldwork, and media production, learners can recognize every person as valuable and significant, as an expert in their own arenas of activity, as creative, smart, and capable. No one is on the margins; no one is dismissible.
Here are some ways you can learn with us:
For All Learners
Custom Workshops
We offer custom workshops to meet the needs of your community or organization. Check out what we have coming up:
Project Consulting
Our staff, trained in ethnography and documentary techniques are also available to consult on project design.
For Educators
We support project- and community-based learning. Browse our resources:
Local oral history collections
Media-making and storytelling
Perspectives on identity and belonging
Educational Partnerships
VT Folklife educators make visits to secondary and post-secondary learning spaces to support students and educators in learning about ethnography, interviewing, and local culture.
In this 90-minute workshop, the Flyers will introduce a favorite New England classic (Green Mountain Petronella, for the great state of Vermont!), teaching both chords and melody. After a short break, the second half of class will focus on how we arrange for the concert stage. With a combination of demonstrating, discussion, and full-group playing, we'll use Green Mountain Petronella to make some magic happen.