Winter Lights: Kerry Noonan

It sure is dark out there. And during this season of long nights and short, short days, VFC staff have connected with Vermonters from a variety of backgrounds to explore how people share light—both literally and metaphorically—during the darkest time of the year.

I think it might be interesting to think of this time of year as finding ways you can relax into the darkness.

— Kerry Noonan

Folklorist and Champlain College professor, Dr. Kerry Noonan shares her perspectives on winter festivals, the turning seasons and “relaxing into the darkness.” She also provides us with a primer on Neo-Paganism and the ways neo-pagans mark the mid-winter holiday.

This seasonal segment is part of the Vermont Folklife Center’s Listening in Place project, a program that fosters connections between Vermonters throughout the pandemic and beyond. Click below to learn more about Listening in Place and tell us how you are sharing light this season:


Winter Lights: Elissa Johnk


Winter Lights: Anak Tseten