Don Mayer
CEO, Small Dog Electronics
Founder, North Wind Power Company (now Northern Power Systems)
Climate change is the most serious threat to mankind we have ever faced. The solution is a change in how we think about the world. Our fragile planet is under attack and is reacting with actions that can threaten the very existence of the cause of the attack, us. Energy and transportation are the two areas where we can make a significant difference. We must wean ourselves from depleting the dwindling reserves of fossil fuels. We must embrace a paradigm that highly values energy conservation and sustainability. Renewable energy sources are one important tool in this battle, but more important is fostering a universal awareness of the causes and dangers of climate change.
Opposition to wind and solar projects and energy conservation efforts seem very silly when put into the perspective of the irrevocable change to the planet’s climate. The solution is at hand even as the danger becomes more evident. We have seen amazing advances in wind and solar energy displacing fossil fuels. We have seen practical electric vehicles and meaningful energy conservation efforts. We need to take that to another level, but the path is clear to combating climate change and saving our planet.
Archival photo of Don Mayer (center) pictured with Mr. & Mrs. Eldy Schragg, who were responsible for teaching him about the Jacob’s Wind Generators. Photo courtesy of Don Mayer.